TROPIMUNDO is an EC-funded and excellence-labelled Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
The TROPIMUNDO consortium is composed of 8 institutes in Programme Countries (European) (including University of La Réunion) and 4 higher education institutes in Partner Countries (non-European).
Description & Contents
Every trajectory of 4 semesters constitutes a unique combination of courses and expertises :
- In a first semester, students start at a European institute of their choice to acquire similar competences.
- In a second semester field experience and courses will take place in a university in a tropical area. Students can choose University of La Réunion (UniRé) to follow skill & qualification in tropical biodiversity modules + a tropical and biodiversity and ecosystems Field School : Tropical Forest Ecosystems of Reunion Island and the South West Indian Ocean Region (including field trips in both Madagascar and Reunion islands). This semester will be mutualized with Semester 2 of master M1 BEE BEST-T and all courses will be taught in english (starting year 2020-2021)
- The third semester will cover a specialization in a European university different from the first semester.
- The fourth semester is dedicated to the MSc Thesis and students return to where they started out.
In-depth information
Please visit the consortium website for more information: